Here a little summary how to call the macro functions: // First set up T-Reg 104 with the variable parts: Reg_Set(104, " $91=FAVEDITOR #71=VERSION ") // Then call one of the following functions: //--- Read the config out of the macro's config section into the registers // #104=Macro_Num Reg_Set(103, "READCONFIG") Call_File(101, "CUSTOMIZE.VDM", EXTRA) //--- Save the registers into the macro's config section // #104=Macro_Num Reg_Set(103, "SAVECONFIG") Call_File(101, "CUSTOMIZE.VDM", EXTRA) //--- Automatically generate a dialog and let the user change values // #104=Macro_Num Reg_Set(103, "DIALOG") Call_File(101, "CUSTOMIZE.VDM", EXTRA) //--- Combined: Generate the dialog and save the registers to the config section // #104=Macro_Num Reg_Set(103, "DIALOG+SAVE") Call_File(101, "CUSTOMIZE.VDM", EXTRA) The setup register 104 can contain additional infos: //--- For reading the config there can be optional default values: Reg_Set(104, " $91=FAVEDITOR=vedit #71=VERSION=6 ") //---For creating the dialog there can be optional labels for every input box: Reg_Set(104, " $91=FAVEDITOR=My favourite editor: #71=VERSION=Current version: ")