Topic: Concatenating Strings (1 of 3), Read 66 times
Conf: Converting, Translating
From: Roy Alejandro
Date: Monday, December 03, 2001 10:05 AM

I have a question, How do you concatenate strings in vedit. I have a constant variable and want to
concatenate it to user input. For example:

user enters: 01

the constant variable is "test.txt"

I need to feed my code: "01test.txt"

So, I need to know how to concatenate "01" + "test.txt"



Topic: Re: Concatenating Strings (2 of 3), Read 67 times
Conf: Converting, Translating
From: Fritz Heberlein
Date: Monday, December 03, 2001 10:30 AM

You could prompt for user input using the get_input() command and
then append your "test.txt" string to the same text register.

Get_input(9,"Your Input?",NOCR)

See "input commands" in the help file


Dr. Friedrich Heberlein, Akad. Direktor
Seminar f. Klassische Philologie,
KU Eichstaett-Ingolstadt / Bayern
D-85071 Eichstaett
Tel. +49 8421 931544 / 933544
Fax +49 93 2544
Email sla019@...


Topic: Re: Concatenating Strings (3 of 3), Read 72 times
Conf: Converting, Translating
From: Ted Green
Date: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 11:01 AM

At 10:05 AM 12/3/2001, you wrote:
>I have a question, How do you concatenate strings in vedit.
>user enters: 01
>the constant variable is "test.txt"
>I need to feed my code: "01test.txt"

You can also concatenate them when you use it. For example, if you want to open that file, use the commands:

Get_input(9,"Your Input?",NOCR)
