Topic: Some TeX macros uploaded (1 of 2), Read 132 times
Conf: VEDIT User Applications
From: Christian Gerard
Date: Friday, October 05, 2001 09:28 AM

having recently bought VEDIT, I have written some macros to run LaTeX, Yap, (a DVI previewer), Dvips, Ghostview and a spell checker from VEDIT under Win 98. They are all accessible from the menu file latex.mnu.

I up loaded them to in the file They can easily be adapted to other LaTeX setups by changing the paths and name of the various executables called.

I was not able to use correctly the Callf() command in the mnu file (apparently the called macros were stored in a register to which they sometimes accessed themselves later), so I just copied the macros as single long lines.

The macro divisearch.vdm starts Yap with the forward search option to display the DVI file
at the current cursor line in the TeX source file being edited. Again I did not manage to pass correctly the commands to Yap directly so the command line was first stored into an auxiliary text register.

I am very novice in writing macros so they are probably not very elegant. Anyway may be they could be useful to other people using VEDIT for TeX.


One macro (dvisearch.vdm) calls the DVI previewer with the forward search option
to display the DVI file at the current cursor line in the TeX source file.


Topic: Thanks Christian (2 of 2), Read 117 times
Conf: VEDIT User Applications
From: Peter Rejto
Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 01:21 PM

On 10/9/2001 9:36:00 AM, Christian Gerard wrote:

>What I would like to do is to
>use also inverse search, ie
>double-clicking at one line on
>the Yap screen should open the
>TeX file in Vedit at the same
>line. So far I can do this but
>it opens each time
>a new instance of Vedit.


I would very much like to use your backward search macro. I think that having an extra copy of Vedit installed, is a small price to pay for such a nice feature.
