Full path: an existing file C:\winnt\t1.txt o.k a not existing file C:\winnt\t1notex.txt FO() dialog with C:\winnt a not existing directory C:\xMM\t1notex.txt FO() dialog with CWD invalid character in filename C:\windows\t1:xx.txt error (o.k.) relative path from CWD (buffer not assigned to a file): an existing file test\dir1a.txt o.k a not existing file test\dir1anot.txt FO() dialog with CWD\test a not existing directory not\t1notex.txt FO() dialog with CWD invalid character in filename test\dir:1a.txt error (o.k.) relative path from loaded file: an existing file old\projsave.vdm o.k a not existing file old\projnotex.vdm FO() dialog with filedir\old a not existing directory not\t1notex.txt FO() dialog with CWD invalid character in filename old\proj::save.vdm error (o.k.) no path: an existing file t2.txt o.k a not existing file t2notex.txt FO() dialog with CWD invalid character in filename t2:::test.txt error (o.k.)