Topic: Always on top (1 of 2), Read 84 times
Conf: VEDIT Suggestions
From: Deleted User
Date: Thursday, June 10, 1999 08:20 PM

May I suggest the ability to toggle
"always on top" for individual edit

This would be very handy when continually
referring back to a window for information
e.g. the prototype of a C++ function with
a lot of parameters as you code the
function in another window.

The toggle operation could be added to the
View or alternately the Window menu. It
could also be added to the Pen Knife menu.
(See top left corner of an edit window).

But please please allow us to turn
always-on-top off.



Topic: Always on top (2 of 2), Read 86 times
Conf: VEDIT Suggestions
From: Deleted User
Date: Saturday, June 19, 1999 07:55 PM

A further thought about always-on-top.

If you need the information in a buffer
for a different application as you input,
it would be handy to be able to "float"
a buffer and turn on always-on-top. i.e.
It becomes a separate program.

However, in other applications, these
floating windows usually close
automatically when the original program